Welcome to this website
where you can discover all unregistered vehicles found in department 68 by the police services and partner municipalities.

Identify and repossess your found vehicle
The website allows for the uploading of images of objects discovered by the police services of the department and partner municipalities, making them accessible to the public.
You can find on this site :
- Bike of all types
- unregistered motorized two-wheelers
- electric scooter or scooter
- Overboard
- segway
- one wheeler
- any other unregistered vehicle
Recover your property in 3 steps
I get my belongings back
by presenting a copy of your complaint and/or a copy of your purchase invoice
Continue and see the photos
Click to see the photographsSite partners.
Here you will find the list of partners who play an essential role in the communication or dissemination of information concerning recently discovered objects.
Contact our services for any question concerning found unregistered vehicle, using the contact details below or the sending form.
Location :
Commissariat central de police
43, rue de la Mertzau, 68092 Mulhouse
Phone :
03 89 56 88 00